PPSC junior computer operator test preparation mcqs for jobs in Punjab Public Service Commission.
PPSC Junior Computer Operator Test Preparation MCQs
A social security number or a telephone number is considered to be this type of entry in a worksheet.
- Numeric.
- Text
- Value
- Formula
To open a template in Word first go to File and:
- Click New
- Click Display
- Click Open
- Click Search
From what location are the 1st computer instructions available on boot up?
- boot .ini
Data communication requires
- Sender
- Receiver
- Transmission medium
- All of these
Data that is copied from an application is stored in the______
- Driver
- Clipboard
- terminal
- prompt
Which view shows margins and the ruler?
- Normal
- page Layout
- page Setup
- Review
You want to create a built-in cover page for your report. You go to to the:
- Page Layout tab
- Insert tab.
- References tab .
- Themes menu.
The Sort command of the Data menu provides this capability.
- Multiple-row
- Multiple -column
- Multiple -field
- Multiple-table