Use the-----button to reverse your iast change.
- Undo
- Cut
- Redo
- Paste
There are------bits in one byte.
- 4
- 8
- 16
- 32
In a laser printer, the------transfers the image to the paper.
- Laser
- Roller
- Toner
- Drum
What does HTML mean?
- High Top Math Level
- Hyper True Math Language
- Hypertext Markup Language
- Hyper Text Memory Language
Which of these arithmetic operators takes the highest precedence?
- < (lesser than)
- > (greater than)
- / (division)
- (exponentiation)
There are two methods you can use to move text-cut and paste or:
- Move and copy
- Select and shift
- Highlight and place
- Drag and drop
Smallest unit of memory is :
- Bit
- Byte
- Character
- Word
You can modify alignment. line spacing. and paragraph spacing in the.
- Layout menu
- Paragraph dialog box
- Format tab
- Styles group
What is the filename extension for an Outlook data file?
- XLS\
The following are examples of data types EXCEPT.
- Functions
- Sound
- Video
- Text