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The headquarter of organizations for the prohibition of chemical weapons?
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Germany
- None
The French revolution began on?
- 1779
- 1789
- 1769
- 1780
- None of these
MS Word is mostly used for
- Creating documents
- Letters
- Assignments
- All
mpg file is an extension of __
- video
- word
- excel
- none
Which is the cause of malaria?
- Blood Issues
- Dirty Water
- Dirty environment
- Mosquito
- All of these
What is a mixture of Potassium Nitrate Powdered Charcoal and Sulphur called?
- Gun Powder
- Glass
- Paint
- None
What is the SI unit of work or energy?
- Horsepower
- Hertz
- Joule
- Ampere
Ummayyad Dynasty started in the year_____?
- 616
- 661
- 632
- 632
- 649
Which keyboard shortcut Italic selected text?
- Ctrl+I
- Alt+I
- File/Format/Bold
- None of the above
Which one is the result of the output given by a computer?
- Data
- Instruction
- Information
- None
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