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Who conquered Bait-tul-Maqdas?
- Ertugrul Ghazi
- Musa bin Nusair
- Muhammad bin Qasim
- Tariq bin Ziad
- Salah udin Ayyub
Little Boy type of bomb, which was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on
- 6 August 1946
- 6 August 1944
- 6 August 1941
- 6 August 1945
When was bait ul Muqaddas conquered?
- Hazrat Usman reign
- Hazrat Ali reign
- Umar Bin Abdul Aziz Reign
- Hazrat Umar Reign
Hadith-e-Taqriri means hadith which:
- Include some statement or acts of some of the companions of Prophet Muhammad
- it is not attributed to prophet directly
- both
- none
Agra city is located on the bank of river
- Yamuna
- Chanab
- Ganga
- None
Peru located in which continent?
- North America
- South America
- Asia
- Africa
Which Muslim scientist wrote first book on Algebra ?
- Al-Khwarizmi
- Ibn Sina
- Archimedes
- Euclid
Pakistan’s first plastic road inaugurated in which city?
- Rawalpindi
- Lahore
- Karachi
- Islamabad
Who introduced the constitution of 1973 in Pakistan?
- Zulifqar Ali Bhutto
- Iskandar Ali Mirza
- Tikka Khan
- Yahiya Khan
- None of the above
Punjabis share --- of ethnic group of Pakistan____
- 40.5%
- 44.7%
- 49%
- 56.7%
The purpose of International monetary fun is to
- Promote International Trade
- Maintain stable exchange rate
- Help economically backward countries
- None of these
The Great Sphinx of Giza is located in which country
- Egypt
- Japan
- Syria
- Turkey
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