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Which of the following keys displays the hidden task bar___?
- Ctrl + F2
- Ctrl + Esc
- Ctrl + alt
- Ctrl + F7
- None None of these
1 kilo bytes=___ bytes.
- 1000
- 1024
- 1032
- 1036
Who started ancient Olympic Games?
- American
- Romans
- Greece
- Egyptians
Which is the largest part of the human brain?
- Encephalus
- Cerebellum
- Middle brain
- None of the above
in MS excel 2016, which of the following can be used to split windows into two?
- Format > Window
- View > Window> Spilt
- Window > Spilt
- View > Spilt
Government of India Act 1919 gives 3 years tenure to:
- Council of State
- Legislative Assembly
- Viceroy
- None of These
In 1956 Abdul Jamal Nasir did what to suez Canal
- Colozined
- Nationalization
- Privatization
- None of these
Which of following is used to measure the distance between planet and stars ?
- Light year
- Staller mile
- Centimeter
- None of these
largest part of human brain is
- cerebrum
- Cerebellum
- Pituitary gland
- None
Which organization made a special envoy in 2019 for Kashmir
- None of these
Mount Ararat is the highest mountain is
- Japan
- Turkey
- Canada
- None of these
___ Necropolis in Pakistan inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage
- Miani Sahib
- Makli
- Mawa Sahib
- None of these
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