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Which poet got Lenin prize in 1962?
- Faiz Ahamad Faiz
- Ahmad Faraz
- Wasif Ali Wasif
- Jaun Elia
- None of these
Which of the following is the largest and deepest Ocean of the Earth?
- Artic Ocean
- Pacific Ocean
- Atlantic Ocean
- None
The Indian National Congress was formed in ?
- Dec. 28, 1880
- Dec. 28, 1885
- Dec. 28, 1890
- Dec. 28, 1898
- Dec. 28, 1906
How many head of zakat?
- 7
- 6
- 4
- 8
Which is the outermost planet in the solar system?
- Neptune
- Mercury
- Pluto
- Uranus
- None of these
The most abundant element in earth crust is:
- Carbon Dioxide
- Ozone
- Oxygen
- None of these
Imam Muhammad bin Ismeal wrote which book of hadith
- Abu dawood
- Tirmizi
- Sahih Bukhari
- Sahih Muslim
Muhammad bin Ismail Bukhari is the author of:
- Ibn e Maja
- Sahih Muslim
- Abu Dawood
- Sahih Bukhari
Tawaf Al-Qudum is ____?
- Wajib
- Farz
- Nafil
- Sunnat
- None of these
Pious-Caliphate lasted for about _____ Years?
- 30 years
- 40 years
- 50 years
- None
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