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In 1954, who did dissolve the constituent assembly of Pakistan ?
- PM of Pakistan
- Governor General of Pakistan
- Governor of provinces
- Assembly Speaker of Pakistan
The Highest mountain of Hindu Kush range?
- Tirich Mir
- Nanga Parbat
- K-2
- None
Which range lies along the border of Sindh and Baluchistan Province
- Kirthar range
- Makran range
- Chaghi
- None
Ozone layer protect us from the harmful _______ of the Sun.
- Heat
- Cold
- Ultraviolet rays
- None
Which is the smallest unit of data in computer?
- Bit
- Byte
- Mega bite
- None of these
Round Table Conferences held in -------
- Dhaka
- Karachi
- Paris
- London
- Delhi
When Mohammad Ali Bogra presented Bogra Formula in the assembly?
- October 1953
- September 1953
- April 1953
- January 1953
Pakistan became a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) on ____?
- 1st June 2017
- 5th June 2017
- 7th June 2017
- 9th June 2017
Tenure of National and Provincial Assemblies is?
- 04 years
- 05 years
- 06 years
- 03 years
Who is the Present Deputy Speaker of National Assembly of Pakistan?
- Dost Muhammad Mazari
- Zahid Akram Durrani
- Ghulam Mustafa Shah
- Qasim Khan Suri
- None of these
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