PPSC LDA Assistant Director Past Paper 2018

The land of kiwis is called?

  1. England
  2. New Zealand
  3. Ukraine
  4. Russia
A person who believes that the primary purposes of life are to eat, drink, and marry is called :
  1. Cynic
  2. Epicurean
  3. Materialistic
  4. None of these

Siam is the old name of which country?

  1. Sialkot
  2. Zambia
  3. Thailand
  4. Zimbabwe

What is the length of Siachen Glacier?

  1. 40 KM
  2. 50 KM
  3. 76 KM
  4. 80 KM

Who was the last Governor General of Pakistan?

  1. Iskander Mirza
  2. Liaqiat Ali khan
  3. Khawaja nizam u din
  4. Muhammad ali

Areas where there is deficiency of rainfall are called :

  1. Humid Areas
  2. Semi Arid
  3. Arid Areas
  4. Delta
Swadeshi movement was launched to reverse the :
  1. Partition of Bengal
  2. Partition of India
  3. Separation of Sindh from Bombay
  4. Annexation of Kashmir

NPT stands for :

  1. National Purification Treaty
  2. Non-Resident Protection Treaty
  3. National Protection Treaty
  4. Non-Poliferation Treaty

Who mediated the Indus Water Treaty in 1960?

  1. Soviet Union
  2. China
  3. World Bank
  4. UNO

ATM stands for :

  1. Automated Teller Machine
  2. Automated Tallest Machine
  3. Auto Transfer of Money
  4. None of These

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