PPSC LDA Assistant Director Past Paper 2018

K2 is also known as :

  1. Godwin Austin
  2. broad peak
  3. Roshan peak
  4. Sia Kingri

How many articles are the in 1973 constitution of Pakistan?

  1. 330
  2. 250
  3. 240
  4. 280

Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place on?

  1. 13 April 1919
  2. 13 April 1918
  3. 13 April 1920
  4. None of these

Which sport is also called as 'Ping pong'?

  1. Cricket
  2. Football
  3. Volleyball
  4. Table tennis

Mohenjo Daro means :

  1. Civilized City
  2. Beautiful Gardens
  3. Beautiful City
  4. Mound of the Dead

When was Indus Water Treaty signed?

  1. September 19, 1950
  2. September 19, 1960
  3. September 19, 1965
  4. September 19, 1973

The height of Nanga Parbat is?

  1. 8226m
  2. 8126m
  3. 8326m
  4. 8026m

He is knocking ____ the door.

  1. And
  2. At
  3. For
  4. That

IMPORTANT: Practice more MCQs and quizzes for additional preparation and improve your chance of success for the Lahore Development Authority test.

Read More: PPSC Assistant Director LDA Past Paper MCQs 2023

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