When the first constitution was abrogated and the first martial law was enforced?
- January 1958
- April 1958
- June 1958
- October 1958
The currency of Japan is?
- Dollar
- Lira
- Yen
- Dinar
What is the duration of the National Anthem of Pakistan?
- 80 Seconds
- 90 Seconds
- 100 Seconds
- 60 Seconds
What is the Longest River in the World?
- Nile
- Amazon
- Missi pissi
- Yangtze
Area wise largest province of Pakistan is?
- Baluchistan
- Punjab
- Sindh
- None of these
When Muhammad Ali Jinnah gave 14 points?
- 1929
- 1930
- 1931
- None of the above
Who is the current managing director of IMF?
- Gita Gopinath
- Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas
- Kristalina Georgieva
- None of these
Baluchistan Became Province in:
- 14th Aug 1973
- 14th Aug 1947
- 1st july 1970
- None
The Sun is a:
- Planet
- Element
- Asteroid
- Star
Total members of SAARC are:
- 9
- 8
- 4
- 5