Terabyte is equal to __?
- 1 Terabyte
- 1 Trillion Byte
- 1 Mega byte
- None
Synonym of subsequent
- Successive
- Perior
- Later
- None
Bending of light is ?
- Interaction
- Reflection
- Refraction
- None
China Navigation System:
- Doe Bei
- BeiDou
- Both
- None
Muhammad Irfan Ali was elected as president of which country?
- Iraq
- Indonesian
- Gayana
- Iran
The Unit of Force is :
- jole
- Watt
- Newton
- Ampere
Headquarter of European central bank:
- Paris
- Brussels
- Rome
- Madrid
- Frankfurt
War and peace written by
- Thomas jefferson
- Leo Tolstoy
- Barak Obama
- All
Indus basin treaty signed in:
- 1979
- 1970
- 1960
- None
Ctrl+= shortcut key___?
- Subscript
- Super script
- Header
- Footer