Wi-Fi stands for:
- wireless fidelity
- wire fidelity
- both
- none
Exquisite means:
- strange
- exclusive
- enjoyable
- of great beauty
Complete the proverb: the best things in life are:
- expensive
- free
- cheap
- difficult
SRAM used for:
- Internal register
- cache memory
- Both
- None
File in which the user store information?
- Info files
- Ordinary files
- Special files
- Complex files
Let the cat out of the bag meaning of the idiom?
- Give away a secret
- To give latitude
- To show compassion
- To miss a golden opportunity
A storm in a teacup.
- Unexpected event.
- A danger signal.
- A big fuss about a small problem.
- A great noise.
Cathay Pacific is an airline of?
- Hong Kong
- Taiwan
- Japan
- China
Crtl+ D is used in Powerpoint.
- duplicate
- paste
- copy
- save
A person who studies rocks and soils is called:
- Geologist
- Archaeologist
- Geophysicist
- None
The study of rock is called?
- Petrology
- Edaphology
- Petrogenesis
- Pedology