PPSC Past Papers Lecturer English 2015

Time flies like…….?

A. a water
B. a bird
C. a missile
D. an arrow

Which of the following is not a Feature of Comedy:

A. Plot complications
B. Excessive Suspense
C. Humorous characters
D. Hyperbole

In the poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the dice game shows

A. Life
B. Death
C. Life-in-Death
D. Death-in-Life

Bacon was granted knighthood under:

A. Henry VIII
B. James I
C. Elizabeth
D. Tudor

The plays in which vices and virtues were personified are called:

A. Morality plays
B. Tragic plays
C. Comic play
D. Absurd plays

Beckett is associated with

A. Theatre of Absurd
B. Morality plays
C. Tragic plays
D. Comedy

The oral method of learning is:

A. Defect
B. Part of a larger method or technique
C. Main method
D. Efficient method

The classical method of grammar learning is:

A. Translation Method
B. Deductive
C. Inductive
D. Elective

Which of the following is not a Tragi-comedy?

A. The Tempest
B. The Winter’s Tale
C. Romeo and Juliet
D. Rape of the lock

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