PPSC Past Papers Special Education

Kim Jong-Un belongs to which country?
  1. North Korea
  2. South Korea
  3. Venezuela
  4. Belarus
China imports Palm Oil from which country____?
  1. Pakistan
  2. Indonesia
  3. Afghanistan
  4. Malaysia
As per the Corruption Perception Index released in 2020, which is the least corrupt country in the world?
  1. Denmark
  2. Norway
  3. New Zealand
  4. Somalia
Which day is called Youm-I-Furqan by the Holy Quran?
  1. Battle of Uhad
  2. Battle of Badr
  3. Battle of Trench
  4. None of the above
I am sick ___ this nasty job.
  1. With
  2. In
  3. Of
  4. Over
How many rivers are there in Balochistan____?
  1. 7
  2. 14
  3. 15
  4. 16
غزوہ بدر کس ہجری کو لڑی گئی؟
  1. First Hijrah
  2. Second Hijrah
  3. Third Hijrah
  4. Fourth Hijrah
The battle of Trench was fought in which Hijrah___?
  1. Fourth Hijrah
  2. Fifth Hijrah
  3. Seventh Hijrah
  4. First Hijrah

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