PPSC Sub Engineer Civil Past Papers

Surface tension has the units of :

A. newtons/m
B. newtons/m
C. new tons/m
D. newtons

The increase of temperature results in :

A. increase in viscosity of gas
B. increase in viscosity of liquid
C. decrease in viscosity of gas
D. decrease in viscosity of liquid

In a static fluid :

A. resistance to shear stress is small
B. fluid pressure is zero
C. linear deformation is small
D. only normal stresses can exist
E. viscosity is nil

A balloon lifting in air follows the following principle :

A. law of gravitation
B. Archimedes principle
C. principle of buoyancy
D. all of the above
E. continuity equation

The bulk modulus of elasticity with increase in pressure :

A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains constant
D. increases firs

A fluid in equilibrium can’t sustain :

A. tensile stress
B. compressive stress
C. shear stress
D. bending stress

The stress-strain relation of the newton eon fluid is :

A. linear
B. parabolic
C. hyperbolic
D. inverse type

Surface tension has the units of :

A. newtons/m
B. newtons/m
C. new tons/m
D. newtons
E. newton m

A perfect gas :

A. has constant viscosity
B. has zero viscosity
C. is incompressible
D. none of the above

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