English PPSC Tehsildar Past Papers Morning and Evening

English PPSC Tehsildar Past Papers MCQs – Evening

The antonym of Prudent is

  • Wise
  • Judicious
  • Imprudent
  • None of these

The theives_________his house.

  • broke in
  • broke into
  • broken in
  • None of these

The offense of marrying someone while already married to another person is known as

  • Bigamy
  • Polygamy
  • Monogamy
  • None of these

Choose the correct one

  • He asked,”are you a doctor?”,and let me in
  • He asked,”are you a doctor?,and let me in
  • He asked”are you a doctor?”, and let me in
  • None of these

I________gym daily.

  • goes
  • went
  • am going
  • None of these(go)

Change voice She was watering the plants.

  • The plants were being waterd by her.
  • The plants had being waterd by her.
  • The plants was being waterd by her
  • None of these

A person who is wealthy and having a high status is called:

  • Boss
  • Nabob
  • Master
  • None of these

The sun__________in the west

  • sat
  • sets
  • set
  • None of these

An Attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something

  • Aspersion
  • Aversion
  • Apersion
  • None of these

She comes_________really well on television.

  • in
  • across
  • Express
  • None of these

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