چھوٹا منھ بڑی باتTranslate into English
- A bad name is worse than bad deeds
- Small wit great boast
- Two and Two make four
- None of these
ظرفTranslate in English
- Agitaion
- Anger
- Forbearance
- None of these
بد حواسTranslate in English
- Sophisticate
- bewildered
- Englighten
- None of these
فن شناسTranslate into English
- Artist
- Virtuosic
- Connoisseur
- None of these
نذرTranslate into English
- Timid
- Fearless
- Cowardly
- None of these
It is a nuclear war and destroys everything_________.
- Its power is questionable
- that must be avoided
- banned completely
- None of these
سازشیںTranslate into English
- Disappointment
- Victim
- Difficulty
- None of these
عین وقت پرTranslate into English
- In the nick of time
- at eleventh hour
- the last moment
- None of these
ایک ہاتھ سے تالی نہیں بجتیTranslate into English
- The early bird catches the worm
- It takes two make a quarrel
- You catch more files with honey than with vinegar
- None of these
نو نقد نہ تیرہ ادھارTranslate into English
- A bird in the hand is worth two in bush
- If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
- A chain is only as stron as its weakest link
- None of these