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The transfer of naked genetic material from one cell to other that can alter the genetic makeup of recipient is termed as?
- Transduction
- Translation
- Transformation
- Replication
Another name for phosphatidylcholine is:
- serine
- choline
- ethanolamine
- lecithin
Cholesterol, secreated by the liver, may percipitate in the gall bladder to produce:
- gall stones
- pyrosis
- anaema
- jaundice
Where do alleles of a gene located?
- May be at same locus
- May not be at the same locus
- At the same locus
- At different locus
Hemoglobin is an exampe of which class of protein?
- structural
- transport
- contractile
- regulatory
Folisoe lichen are:
- stem like
- branching
- crest like
- leaf like
The only moveable bone in the skull is:
- Ethmoid
- Temporal
- Parietal
- Mandible
In molluscs, body is covered by a glandular epithelial envelope called.
- radulla
- shell
- mantle
- haemocyanin
Integumented indehiscent megasporangium is infact a/an?
- Megaspore
- Ovule
- Egg
- Ovary
What is the use of transgenic farm animals to produce pharmaceuticals?
- Gene pharming
- Gene therapy
- Tissue culture
- Clothing
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