PU Entry Test Past Papers

The transfer of naked genetic material from one cell to other that can alter the genetic makeup of recipient is termed as?
  1. Transduction
  2. Translation
  3. Transformation
  4. Replication
Another name for phosphatidylcholine is:
  1. serine
  2. choline
  3. ethanolamine
  4. lecithin
Cholesterol, secreated by the liver, may percipitate in the gall bladder to produce:
  1. gall stones
  2. pyrosis
  3. anaema
  4. jaundice
Where do alleles of a gene located?
  1. May be at same locus
  2. May not be at the same locus
  3. At the same locus
  4. At different locus
Hemoglobin is an exampe of which class of protein?
  1. structural
  2. transport
  3. contractile
  4. regulatory
Folisoe lichen are:
  1. stem like
  2. branching
  3. crest like
  4. leaf like
The only moveable bone in the skull is:
  1. Ethmoid
  2. Temporal
  3. Parietal
  4. Mandible
In molluscs, body is covered by a glandular epithelial envelope called.
  1. radulla
  2. shell
  3. mantle
  4. haemocyanin
Integumented indehiscent megasporangium is infact a/an?
  1. Megaspore
  2. Ovule
  3. Egg
  4. Ovary
What is the use of transgenic farm animals to produce pharmaceuticals?
  1. Gene pharming
  2. Gene therapy
  3. Tissue culture
  4. Clothing

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