Public Administration MCQs

Public corporation is the innovation of 20th century. The basic features are: It is the result of Government’s entry into business

Mechanistic theory is formal structure of organization. Its functions are: Drawing up plan for large-scale enterprises

Communication is a crucial element in administration and felt by: As the heart of management

Co-ordination is the removal of conflicts from the organization by: Securing co-operation and team work

Span of Control 1 Means: Number of subordinates under a superior’s direct control

Public corporations have been created with the objective of: Operational flexibility and autonomy

Écol National d’ Administration of France acts as: A recruiting-cum-training agency.

Fiscal deficit in government budget can be reduced by: Rationalizing expenditure for economy

Motivation is the function of intrinsic factors such as appreciation, recognition etc. who gave this theory: Fredrick Hcrzberg

Organizational behaviour is: The study of individuals and groups in organizations.

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