Rescue EMT Past Paper 2022 MCQs

“Who is Rabia in the class” Punctuate and capitalize the sentence :
  1. Who is Rabia in The class?
  2. Who is Rabia in the Class?
  3. Who is Rabis in the Class?
  4. Who is Rabiain the class?

Which from the following list has a stomach capacity of approx 9 ML?

  1. Newborn
  2. toddlers
  3. children
  4. adults

As a nurse, you have been asked to identify which category of person has the largest percentage of water in their body.

  1. Fat men
  2. fat women
  3. lean men
  4. lean women

A new-born baby has a mean SP of 75 mmHg. How a nurse would describe this blood pressure?

  1. Normal
  2. slightly higher than normal
  3. slightly lower than normal
  4. none of these

The nurse is checking the rectal temperature but for which of the following conditions rectal temperature is contraindicated?

  1. Seizers
  2. hemorrhoids
  3. myocardial infarction
  4. diabetes

Which of the following nursing intervention is most helpful for a patient whose skin is dry?

  1. Using lotion instead of water for bathing
  2. daily bathing with no soap
  3. using mineral oils whilebathing
  4. limiting the bath to once or twice in a week.

What is the masculine of “witch”?

  1. Wizard
  2. swain
  3. stag
  4. stallion

An antonym to “Serpentine” is:

  1. Straight
  2. curved
  3. zig zag
  4. complex

Which part of speech is “Determination”?

  1. Adjective
  2. verb
  3. pronoun
  4. noun

Name the punctuation used in “son-in-law”

  1. Apostrophe
  2. dash
  3. hyphen
  4. colon

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