Rescue EMT Past Paper 2022 MCQs

I saw ____ thousand rupees note under the chair

  1. a
  2. and
  3. the
  4. No article

Which is the largest Island of Indian Ocean :

  1. Sumatra
  2. Sri Lanka
  3. Maldives
  4. Madagascar

Which musical instrument is played by both exhaling and inhaling?

  1. Flute
  2. Harmonica
  3. Trumpet
  4. None of these

Tanzania is the new name of:

  1. Congo
  2. Zanzibar
  3. Nyasaland
  4. none of these

language of Gandhara civilization was:

  1. Hindi
  2. Sanskrit
  3. Prakrit
  4. Brajbhasha

When conquest of Makkah took place?

  1. 12 hijri
  2. 8 hijri
  3. 10 hijri
  4. 2 hijri

The headquarter of OPEC is located in :

  1. Vienna
  2. Brussels
  3. Berlin
  4. Riyadh

Lion of Bengal is the title of?

  1. sir Syed Ahmad khan
  2. Fazal ul haq
  3. Allama Iqbal
  4. Rehmat Ali

When Nawaz Sharif became prime minister for the first time?

  1. 6 December 1990
  2. 6 November 1990
  3. 6 January 1991
  4. 6 February 1992

which of the following European Nation Colonized India?

  1. France
  2. Italy
  3. USA
  4. England

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