Simple and Compound Interest MCQs

Simple and Compound Interest MCQs with Answers for all classes subject of mathematics and test preparation.

Simple and Compound Interest MCQs

An automobile financier claims to be lending money at simple interest, but he includes the interest every six months for calculating the principal. If he is charging an interest of 10%, the effective rate of interest becomes ____?

A. 10%
B. 10.25%
C. 10.50%
D. None of these

What will be the ratio of simple interest earned by certain amount at the same rate of interest for 6 years and that for 9 years ?

A. 1 : 3
B. 1 : 4
C. 2 : 3
D. Data inadequate

A sum of money trebles itself in 15 years, 6 months. In how many years would it double itself ?

A. 6 years 3 months
B. 7 years 9 months
C. 8 years 3 months
D. 9 years 6 months

A sum of money amounts to Rs 9800 after 5 years and Rs. 12005 after 8 years at the same rate of simple interest. The rate of interest per annum is :

A. 5%
B. 8%
C. 12%
D. 15%

A sum of Rs. 12,500 amounts to Rs. 15,500 in 4 years at the rate of simple interest What is the rate of interest ?

A. 3%
B. 4%
C. 5%
D. 6%

A man took a loan from a bank at the rate of 12% p.a. simple interest. After 3 years he had to pay Rs. 5400 interest only for the period. The principal amount borrowed by him was :

A. Rs. 2000
B. Rs. 10,000
C. Rs. 15,000
D. Rs. 20,000

Nabeela took a loan of Rs. 1200 with simple interest for as many years as the rate of interest. If she paid Rs. 432 as interest at the end of the loan period, what was the rate of interest ?

A. 3.6
B. 6
C. 18
D. Cannot be determined

What is the present worth of Rs. 132 due in 2 years at 5% simple interest per annum ?

A. Rs. 112
B. Rs. 118.80
C. Rs. 120
D. Rs. 122

An amount of 5,000 is invested at a fixed rate of 8 per cent per annum. What amount will be the value of the investment in five years time, if the interest is compounded every six months?

A. 7401.22
B. 3456
C. 4567
D. 7890

The simple interest on Rs.500 at 6% per annum from May 3rd to July 15th in the same year is _____?

A. Rs.8
B. Rs.6
C. Rs.4
D. Rs.9

Mr. Tassawar Javed invested an amount of Rs. 13,900 divided in two different schemes A and B at the simple interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11% p.a. respectively. If the total amount of simple interest earned in 2 years be Rs. 3508, what was the amount invested in Scheme B?

A. Rs. 6400
B. Rs. 6500
C. Rs. 7200
D. Rs. 7500

A lends Rs. 1500 to B and a certain sum to C at the same time at 8% per annum simple interest. If after 4 years, A altogether receives Rs. 1400 as interest from B and C, then the sum lent to C is ____?

A. Rs.2875
B. Rs.1885
C. Rs.2245
D. Rs.2615

A sum of Rs. 725 is lent in the beginning of a year at a certain rate of interest. After 8 months, a sum of Rs. 362.50 more is lent but at the rate twice the former. At the end of the year, Rs. 33.50 is earned as interest from both the loans. What was the original rate of interest?

A. 3.46%
B. 4.5%
C. 5%
D. 6%

A car is purchased on hire-purchase. The cash price is $21 000 and the terms are a deposit of 10% of the price, then the balance to be paid off over 60 equal monthly installments. Interest is charged at 12% p.a. What is the monthly installment?

A. $503
B. $504
C. $505
D. $506

A sum was put a simple interest at a certain rate for 2 years. Had it been put at 4% higher rate, it would have fetched Rs. 60 more. The sum is _____?

A. Rs.750
B. Rs.700
C. Rs.820
D. Rs.940

How much time will it take for an amount of Rs. 900 to yield Rs. 81 as interest at 4.5% per annum of simple interest?

A. 2 years
B. 3 years
C. 1 year
D. 4 years

If the simple interest on a certain sum of money after 3 1⁄8 years is 1⁄4 of the principal, what is the rate of interest per annum?

A. 6%
B. 4%
C. 8%
D. 12%

What annual installment will discharge a debt of Rs 1092 due in 3 years at 12% simple interest?

A. Rs.325
B. Rs.545
C. Rs.560
D. Rs.550

If there is a total of 104 weekly instalments and a third deposit, find the interest charged

A. 237.55
B. 337
C. 443
D. 334

A sum of money becomes 7⁄5 of itself in 4 years at a certain rate of simple interest. The rate per annum is :

A. 9%
B. 10%
C. 11%
D. 12%

A sum of Rs. 2500 amounts to Rs. 3875 in 4 years at the rate of simple interest. What is the rate of interest?

A. 12.25%
B. 12%
C. 6%
D. 13.75%

A sum of money amounts to Rs. 9800 after 5 years and Rs. 12005 after 8 years at the same rate of simple interest. The rate of interest per annum is:

A. 5%
B. 8%
C. 12%
D. 15%

A sum was put at simple interest at a certain rate for 3 years. Had it been put at 2% higher rate, it would have fetched Rs 360 more. Find the sum.

A. Rs.4000
B. Rs.9000
C. Rs.5000
D. Rs.6000

A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs. 815 in 3 years and to Rs. 854 in 4 years. The sum is ____?

A. Rs. 700
B. Rs. 690
C. Rs. 650
D. Rs. 698

What is the rate of interest at which Rs.150 becomes Rs. 220 in 10 years.

A. 11/3%
B. 14/3%
C. 12%
D. 14%

How long will it take for a sum of money to grow from Rs.1250 to Rs.10,000, if it is invested at 12.5% p.a simple interest?

A. 65 years
B. 56 years
C. 45 years
D. 57 years

You deposit $600 into a 6 month certificate of deposit. After 6 months the balance is $618. Find the simple annual interest rate

A. 6%
B. 5%
C. 7%
D. 8%

A man invests a certain sum of money at 6% per annum simple interest and another sum at 7% per annum simple interest. His income from interest after 2 years was Rs. 354. One-forth of the first sum is equal to one-fifth of the second sum. The total sum invested was :

A. Rs.3100
B. Rs.2700
C. Rs.2200
D. Rs.1800

A sum was put a simple interest at a certain rate for 2 years. Had it been put at 4% higher rate, it would have fetched Rs. 60 more. The sum is:

A. Rs.750
B. Rs.700
C. Rs.940
D. Rs.820

Rs. 800 amounts to Rs. 920 in 3 years at simple interest. If the interest rate is increased by 3%, it would amount to how much ?

A. Rs. 992
B. Rs. 1112
C. Rs. 1056
D. Rs. 1182

A trader owes a merchant Rs. 10,028 due 1 year hence. The trader wants to settle the account after 3 months. If the rate of interest 12% per annum, how much cash should he pay?

A. Rs. 9025.20
B. Rs. 9200
C. Rs. 9600
D. Rs. 9560

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Simple and Compound Interest MCQs with Answers for all classes of mathematics and online test preparation.

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