Simple and Compound Interest MCQs

The difference between the simple interest and the compound interest on Rs 5000 at 10% P.a for 3 years is: _____?

A. Rs 145
B. Rs 150
C. Rs 165
D. Rs 180
E. None of these

The difference between compound interest and simple interest on Rs 8000 at 5% P.a for 3 years is ____?

A. Rs 50
B. Rs 60
C. Rs 61
D. Rs 600

A deposited Rs 6000 in a bank at 5% Per annum simple interest. B deposited Rs 5000 at 8% P.a Compound interest. After 2 years the difference between their interest will be: ______?

A. Rs 230
B. Rs 232
C. Rs 600
D. Rs 832

What will be the compound interest on Rs 25000 after 3 years at 12% Per annum?

A. Rs 9000.30
B. Rs 9720
C. Rs 10123.20
D. Rs 10483.20
E. None of these

How much would a sum of Rs 16000 approximately amount to in 2 years at 10% P.a compounded half-yearly?

A. Rs 17423
B. Rs 18973
C. Rs 19448
D. Rs 19880

The Compound interest on Rs 16000 for 9 months at 20% P.a compounded quarterly is: _______?

A. Rs 2518
B. Rs 2520
C. Rs 2522
D. Rs 2524

If the interest is payable annually than the principal on which the compound interest for 3 years at 10% P.a is Rs 33/- is given by: _____?

A. Rs 900
B. Rs 1000
C. Rs 1050
D. Rs 1100

The difference between compound interest and simple interest on a sum for 2 years at 8% P.a is Rs 786. The sum is: _______?

A. Rs 100000
B. Rs 11000
C. Rs 120000
D. Rs 170000

A sum of money placed at compound interest doubles itself in 5 years in how many years it would to 8 times of itself at the same rate of interest?

A. 7 years
B. 10 years
C. 15 years
D. 20 years

If the rate of interest be 4% per annum for first year 5% per annum for the second year and 6% per annum from the third year then the compound interest of Rs 10000 for 3 years will be _______?

A. Rs 1575.20
B. Rs 1600
C. Rs 1625.80
D. Rs 2000

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