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A Long Walk to Freedom is an autobiography of whom?
- Shakespeare
- Martin Luther King
- Nelson Mandela
- Desond Titu
- Michael Troot
Tibet is an autonomous region of?
- Russia
- India
- China
- Nepal
Mughal Emperor Zahiruddin Babur was buried in which city?
- Kabul
- Agra
- Delhi
- Ajmer Sharif
- Ferghana
The official currency of Yemen is the Yemeni:
- Dinar
- Dollar
- Rial
- Euro
+ 92 is the national code of which country?
- China
- Russia
- Pakistan
- Nepal
Which country uses GMT+5 as its standard time?
- India
- Iran
- Iraq
- Pakistan
- Nepal
Deficiency of Vitamin D results in ___?
- Rickets
- Scurvy
- Night blindness
- Hair fall
- None of these
Choose the correct spelling. Dialogua, Diologue, Dialogue, All are wrong
- Dialogua
- Diologue
- Dialogue
- All are wrong
Choose the correct spelling. Hazerdous, Hazardus, Hazardous, All are wrong
- Hazerdous
- Hazardus
- Hazardous
- All are wrong
Which flower is the National flower of Pakistan ?
- Rose
- Sunflower
- Lilly
- Jasmine
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