Sindh Rangers Past Paper MCQs

Sound travels in the form of waves called?

  1. Longitudinal Waves
  2. Transverse waves
  3. Electromagnetic waves
  4. Radio waves

Which among the following is not a secondary consumers?

  1. Lion
  2. Dog
  3. Wolf
  4. Goat

Cerebellum is a part of the brain which lies in :

  1. Fore brain
  2. Mid brain
  3. Hind brain
  4. Spinal cord

In a bicycle race, if the first person crossing the finish line, they are the:

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third
  4. Last

Which of the following shapes has the most sides?

  1. Triangle
  2. Square
  3. Pentagon
  4. Hexagon

What number should replace the question mark: 1,3,6,10,?

  1. 15
  2. 18
  3. 21
  4. 25

Feminine of washerman is?

  1. Wash lady
  2. Wahermaid
  3. Washerwoman
  4. None of these

Singular of noun 'mice' is :

  1. mouse
  2. mose
  3. muse
  4. mise

Masculine of 'bee' is?

  1. wasp
  2. drone
  3. fly
  4. butterfly

Plural of foot is?

  1. foots
  2. feet
  3. footes
  4. feetes

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