Sindh University Entry Test Past Papers

Select the correct spelling. Veterinary, Weterinary, Veterenary, Vieterinary, All are wrong
  1. Veterinary
  2. Weterinary
  3. Veterenary
  4. Vieterinary
  5. All are wrong
Select the correct spelling. Revenu, Revenue, Revenoyu, Revennu, All are incorrect
  1. Revenu
  2. Revenue
  3. Revenoyu
  4. Revennu
  5. All are incorrect
He was running short __________ time.
  1. For
  2. Of
  3. To
  4. By
  5. In
The antonym of TERMINATE is
  1. End
  2. Halt
  3. Stop
  4. Begin
  5. Discontinue
Wasim moved here ____ October.
  1. From
  2. To
  3. On
  4. In
  5. At
He cares ____ the environment.
  1. In
  2. At
  3. For
  4. About
  5. With
RBOD stands for:
  1. Raining Bank Outfall Drain
  2. Right Bank Outfall Drain
  3. Rain Binding Outfall Drain
  4. Ring Bank Outfall Drain
Which Islamic year is going on?
  1. 1439
  2. 1440
  3. 1441
  4. 1445
What is the Currency of Belgium?
  1. Pula
  2. Brunei Dollar
  3. Chilean Peso
  4. Euro
Currency of South Korea?
  1. Rupee
  2. won
  3. Krone
  4. Dollar

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