Sociology MCQs

What is urban recycling ?

A. renovating inner-city buildings for occupation by the middle classes
B. a new domestic waste reduction strategy for inner-city areas
C. councils buying up cheap housing to turn into commercial developments
D. refurbishing old buildings and finding new uses for previously used land

The concept of collective consumption is most closely associated with ______?

A. Hervey
B. Molotch
C. Castells
D. Saunders

Who described urbanism as a way of life _______?

A. Park
B. Hawley
C. Wirth
D. Burgess

Which of these is not a reason why the rate of urban growth is larger in developing countries ?

A. living in closely connected settlements is a social feature common in developing countries
B. fertility rates are generally higher in developing countries including among city dwellers
C. greater job opportunities encourage large-scale internal migration from rural areas to cities
D. reverse migration (from cities back to rural communities) can be harder in developing societies once a livelihood in a rural community is lost

Which of the following is not identified by Fulcher & Scott as a criterion of community ?

A. a shared sense of identity and belonging together
B. common activities involving all -round relationships
C. a fixed geographical location
D. collective action based on common interests

The ecological approach to urban sociology involved studying ?

A. how social groups colonized different areas of the city and competed for resources
B. the forms of wildlife and natural habitats that could be found on the edges of the city
C. the way in which people organized collective protests about environmental issues
D. how men and women used the city’s public spaces differently

Which of the following is not identified as a new form of community ?

A. ethnic communities based on shard identity and experiences of discrimination
B. gay villages which are formed in certain parts of large cities
C. sociological communities formed by unpopular lectures
D. virtual communities that exist only in cyberspace

Cultural restructuring has involved ______?

A. regenerating cities in economic decline
B. turning industrial landscapes into tourist attractions
C. selling sites and images through the symbolic economy of media advertising
D. all of the above

In Which year did the urban areas of the world become more populous than rural areas ?

A. 1950
B. 1975
C. 1999
D. 2007

What is gentrification ?

A. the movement of the middle classes into suburban areas
B. a policy aimed at renovating inner-city council housing stock
C. building shopping centers in cities to create employment
D. renovation of run-down city neighborhoods to attract high income groups

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