Sociology MCQs

North America and Europe have less than 12% of the world’s population but their share of the worlds private consumption is approximately ?

A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 60%

In past Pakistanis population had relatively ________ growth rate?

A. Low
B. Medium
C. High
D. None of these

The current level of urbanization 32% in Pakistan is in SAARC Countries ?

A. Lowest
B. Normal
C. Highest
D. None of these

Urbanization in preindustrial cities was restricted by _____?

A. reliance on animal power as a source of energy
B. the high levels of surplus produced by the agricultural sector
C. the ease of migration to the city
D. all of the above

The decentralized city can be identified by _____?

A. the shift of employment and services away from the inner city towards multiple centers in smaller towns and rural areas
B. the degendering of public space as women use local facilities more
C. gentrification the movement of middle-class people back into the inner city
D. all of the above

Who described urbanism as a way of life ?

A. Park
B. Hawley
C. Wirth
D. Burgess

According to Sassan which of these is NOT a necessary trait of a global city ?

A. they are centers of direction and policy-making for the global economy
B. they are visited by large numbers of tourists from across the world
C. they are the key locations for financial and specialized service firms
D. they are markets for the exchange of the products of financial service

Supporters of sustainable development are arguing for _____?

A. more resources to be directed towards economic growth
B. more resources to be put into Third World development
C. growth that minimizes resource depletion and pollution
D. fewer resources to be directed towards economic growth

The decentralized city can be identified by _____?

A. the shift of employment and services away from the inner city towards multiple centers in smaller towns and rural areas
B. the degendering of public space as women use local facilities more
C. gentrification the movement of middle-class people back into the inner city
D. all of the above

Social and economic change in Pakistan has been so enormous that it can be termed as Revolutionary The process of change began with ____?

A. Green Revolution
B. Migration after Independence
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

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