Sociology MCQs

New urbanism was a movement started in 1980s decreasing dependency on _____?

A. each other
B. Vehicular transportation
C. State
D. None of these

The world urbanization rate is rising highly It was 49% in 2005 and is likely to be 60% till _____?

A. 2015
B. 2020
C. 2030
D. None 0f these

According to Herbert Gans residents who remain in the city to take advantage of the unique cultural and intellectual benefits of the city are called ____?

A. cosmopolites
B. ethnic villagers
C. urban villagers
D. the trapped

According to Gerald Suttles a gated community would be an example of a(n) _____?

A. edge city
B. defended neighborhood
C. urban enclave
D. ethnic village

According to Riley Dunlap which one of the following is not a basic function that the natural environment serves for humans ?

A. the environment provides the resources essential for life
B. the environment serves as a waste depository
C. the environment provides a natural setting for social inequalities
D. the environment “houses our species

Which of the following is predicted to be a major influence on cities during the next 50 years ?

A. Pollution
B. The internet
C. Urban renewal
D. Deindustrialization

Which of the following is not identified by Fulcher & Scott as a criterion of community ?

A. a shared sense of identity and belonging together
B. common activities involving all-round relationships
C. a fixed geographical location
D. collective action based on common interests

The adage that it’s not what you know it,s who you know emphasizes the importance of connections This is most relevant to the concept of ____?

A. De-differentiation
B. Network economy
C. Political corruption
D. Social capital

As a consequence of rural-urban migration ____?

A. More and more urbanization is taking place successfully
B. ruralisation of urban areas is taking place
C. Ruralisation of urban areas and ribbon growth seem to be the result
D. None of these

Civil society includes ____?

A. Voluntary civic and social organizations
B. State institutions
C. Masses
D. None of these

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