Soil Science MCQs

The deficient level of N (%) in plants suggested by various workers is ____?

A. 0%
B. 3%
C. 5%
D. 10%

The chemical formula of Hematite is ________?

A. AL (OH)2
B. Fe2O3
D. None of the above

The little clay mineral is ______?

A. Non-expending
B. Expending
C. None or little expending
D. None of the above

The net reaction of photosynthesis is ________?

A. CO2 + H2O light O2 + (CH3O)
B. CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 H2O+CO3
C. ((CH2O) + O2 CO2 + H2O)
D. None of the above

Solution containing molecular weight of a substance in gram per liter of a solution is known as ______?

A. Normal
B. Molal
C. Molar
D. None of the above

A soil with an ESP greater than 15 is usually classified as _______?

A. Sodic soil
B. Saline soil
C. Acidic soil
D. None of the above

pF unit is used for the measurement of ______?

A. Hydraulic potential
B. Hydraulic conductivity
C. Negative soil water potential
D. All the above

The symbol of Na stands for ______?

A. Nickle
B. Natrium
C. Neon
D. None of these

The moisture content below which a cohesive soil does stick to metal tools is known as _______?

A. Liquid limit
B. Plastic limit
C. Sticky limit
D. Alter berg limit

Formula used for the calculation of sodium absorption ratio is _______?

A. SAR=Na / [(Ca+Mg)1/2] Na x 2
B. SAR=Na / CEC x 100
C. SAR=Na / CEC x 100
D. None of these

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