Soil Science MCQs

Electrical conductivity of saturated paste is written as _____?

B. ECe
C. ECs
D. Ecw

The science of growing terrestrial plants in an aerated solution is known as ______?

A. Nutrient film technique
B. Hydrology
C. Hydrants
D. Hydroponics

The wearing away of the land surface by wind, water, ice or other geological agents is called ________?

A. Seepage
B. Soil erosion
C. Soil contamination
D. All the above

Material deposited by the wind is called _______?

A. Regolith
B. Colluvial
C. Alluvium
D. Eolian

Rocks formed from molten magma are called ____?

A. Sedimentary rocks
B. Igneous rocks
C. Alluvial rocks
D. All the above

Deficiency of B can be corrected through application of chemical fertilizer of _______?

A. Solubor
B. Boric acid
C. Borax
D. All the above

Clear water with organic matter or sediment and minimum biological activity is known as ______?

A. Oligotrophic
B. Mestrophic
C. Eutrophic
D. Hydrotrophic

Sewage water consists of water and solids in the following percentage _____?

A. 99 & 1
B. 90 & 10
C. 80 & 20
D. None of the above

Percentage of N in Ammonium ritract fertilizer is ______?

A. 21
B. 23
C. 33
D. 39

Antioxidant is used to reduce the process of _______?

A. Reduction
B. Oxidation
C. Both a & b
D. Dehydration

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