Soil Science MCQs

Humic acid is soluble in ______?

A. Acid
B. Alkali
C. Both a & b
D. Distilled water

TSP contains _______?

A. 14%
B. 46%P
C. 40%P
D. 50%P

Which silica mineral is present in soil in abundant quantity _______?

A. Quartz
B. Smectite
C. Gypsum
D. All the above

The exact formula for sodium hexametaphosphate is _________?

A. [(NaPO6)13]
B. [(NaPO3)13]
C. [(NaPO2)6]
D. None of the above

The chemical formula for Ammonium acctatc is ______?

D. Both b & c

Boron concentration is irrigation water is considered safe only upto _____?

A. 0.7 ppm
B. 1.5 ppm
C. 2 ppm
D. 3 ppm

Organic P content in soil, by ignition method is estimated by igniting the soil at _______?

A. 250ºC
B. 1000ºC
C. 550ºC
D. 1250ºC

While diluting acid always add ______?

A. Acid to water
B. Water to acid
C. Both a & b
D. none

Biochemical reduction of nitrate to nitrite or gaseous nitrogen is called _______?

A. Reduction
B. Oxidation
C. Denitrification
D. None of the above

A treeless artic plain is called as _____?

A. Glaciers
B. Barren land
C. Tundra
D. None of the above

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