Igneous rock whose crystal is 1 cm called ______?
A. Plutonic
B. Felsic
C. Pegmatitic
D. Mafic
Thick concordant bodies which force the overlying sediments to form dome-shaped hills are called ______?
A. Laccoliths
B. Pegmatic
C. Dike
D. Batholiths
Places where volcanoes occur are _____?
A. Pacific ocean
B. Mid-Atlantic ridge
C. Mediterranean sea
D. All the above
Large pieces of erupted magma are called ______?
A. Volcanic ash
B. Volcanic block
C. Dike
D. Sill
Weathering of gabbros gives ______?
A. Sand and clay
B. Clay and iron oxide
C. Clay and Mg oxides
D. Sand and iron oxide
Which one of the following is physical property of soil _____?
A. Hydration
B. Oxidation
C. Reduction
D. None of the above
Which soil bolds more water ?
A. Sandy
B. Stony
C. Clayey
D. Sitry
Which soil is suitable for nce ______?
A. Fine textured
B. Coarse textured
C. Sandy
D. None of the above
The aggregation of individual particles is called _____?
A. Granulation
B. Texture
C. Flocculation
D. Structure
Color of fertile soil is _______?
A. White
B. Green
C. Brown
D. Black
Nice efforts thanks