Soil Science MCQs

Humic acid is soluble in ________?

A. Acid
B. Alkali
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above

Which mulch reduce soil temperature?

A. Polythene
B. White polythene
C. Black polythene
D. Both B&C

The tree sends down roots from its branches to the soil is know as:_______?

A. Oak
B. Pine
C. Banyan
D. Palm

Rhizosphere is:

A. Area with in the roots
B. Root surface
C. An area of  soil in from root surface to 10 cm
D. An area of soil in immediate vicinity around root

The Tree sends down roots from its branches to the soil is known as ______?

A. Oak
B. Pine
C. Banyan
D. Palm

A set of soils with same parent material, topography, climate and biota  but different age is called ___?

A. Topo sequence
B. Catena
C. Chrono sequence 
D. Topography

The soils most prone to structural crusts are those which are higher in _______?

A. Clay content
B. Sodium content
C. Silt content
D. Both A & B

Micas have isomorphous substitution _____?

A. Predominantly in tetrahedral layer
B. Predominantly in octahedral layer
C. Both a & b
D. The statement is wrong

The water diffusivity has the units of: _____?

A. cm/s
B. s/cm
C. cm2
D. cm2/s

Sulphur is an essential component of _____?

A. Cystine
B. Cystein
C. Methionine
D. All of these

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