Most widely spread mineral in the world is _____?
A. Iron
B. Kaolinite
C. Salt
D. None of the above
Soil particles having diameter greater than 2 mm are called ________?
A. Clay
B. Silt
C. Sand
D. Gravel
Which instrument is used for determining soil texture _______?
A. Lysimeter
B. Hydrometer
C. Thermometer
D. All the above
Physical condition of soil for plant growth is called _________?
A. Granulation
B. Tillage
C. Tilth
D. All the above
Pneumatic potential is due to _______?
A. Water
B. Petrol
C. Soil
D. Gas
Product of microorganism that appears to chelate calcium is called ________?
A. Pyruive acid
B. 2-ketoghconic acid
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Phospheric acid
Which is passive factor of weathering ?
A. Climate
B. Parent material
C. Organisms
D. Temperature
Mollic refers to ______?
A. B-horizon
B. C-horizon
C. U-horizon
D. Surface horizon
Kaolinite can be identified by _______?
A. Spectrophotometer
B. Boiling
C. X-ray diffraction
D. Breaking
Shrinking and swelling is property of ____?
A. Clay
B. Silk
C. Water
D. Smecitie
Nice efforts thanks