Soil Science MCQs

Size of clay particle is ______?

A. 0.02mm
B. 0.2mm
C. 0.002mm
D. 2mm

Soil water can be determined by ______?

A. Mass water content
B. Macro pores
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above

Which one of the following are macro nutrients _______?

A. N,P,K
B. C,H,O
C. Ca,Mg,S
D. All the above

An ion or molecule in the coordination sphere central ion is called _______?

A. Complexion
B. Ligand
C. Chelate
D. Potential

Ligands that occur in Pakistan soils are ________?

B. SO4-2 OH
C. CO3-2 SO4-2
D. All the above

pH in coniferous forest is _______?

A. Less than 7
B. Neutral
C. Greater than 7
D. Basis

A soil is categorized as saline when EC of saturation extract is _____?

A. >4dsm-1
B. 0.4dsm-1
C. 0.4 4.0 dsm-1

How much percentage of soils of Pakistan are deficient in P _______?

A. 60
B. 50-70
C. 80-90

Microorganisms have C/N ratio of _________?

A. 2:1
B. 4:1
C. 12:1
D. 20:1

The zorawar is brand name of ______?

D. None of the above

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