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After the abolition of One Unit Scheme, in which year Sindh regained the Provincial Status in the year:
- 1969
- 1968
- 1973
- 1970
The most powerful Space Telescope ever launched is?
- Hubble space telescope
- James Webb Space Telescope
- Voyager-1
- Kepler Space Telescope
In which state (province) famous temple of Somnath invaded by Mahmood of Ghazni is located in?
- Maharashtra
- Punjab
- Bihar
- Utter-Pradesh
- Gujarat
The Shimla delegation called on Lord Minto, the Viceroy of India in October 1906. The delegation was led by?
- Gandhi
- Sir Agha Khan
- Allama Iqbal
- Saleemullah Khan
Which country has the most number of universities in the world?
- Pakistan
- Nepal
- China
- India
What is the full form of URL?
- Uniform routing locator
- Universal resource locator
- Uniform resource locator
- Uniform router locator
How much 60% of 50 is greater than 40% of 30?
- 18
- 13
- 15
- 20
Mirrors played at dangerous road bends for safe drive ,are usually:
- Convex mirror
- Concave mirror
- Blurred mirror
- None
Mixture of sand and water can be separated by:
- Condensation
- Sublimation
- Distillation
- Filtration
Humidify of the atmosphere is measured by an instrument called
- Barometer
- Hygrometer
- Carbohydrates
- None of these
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