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A male cat, when it is not neutered is referred to as :
- Gib
- Tom
- Kitten
- Queen
Meaning of word "Incognito" :
- Modern
- Genuine
- Team spirit
- In disguise
"Cul de sac" means :
- Regard
- Thinking loud
- Dead end
- On the way
The Antonym of Crystal is :
- Clear
- Opaque
- Hanging
- Dapper
The one-word substitution for "Relating to colours" is :
- Chromatic
- Geography
- Entomology
- Ethnology
Who was the second Prime Minister of Pakistan :
- Ch Muhammad Ali
- Kh. Nazim-ud-Din
- Liaquat Ali Khan
- D. Feroze Khan Noon
The largest planet of the solar system is :
- Earth
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
Pakistan is located in the ____ part of South Asia :
- Western
- Southern
- Northern
- Eastern
Famous Lake Saif-ul-Maluk is situated in :
- Kaghan
- Swat
- India
- Murree
Nanga Parbat is located in which range :
- Karakorum
- Hamalayas
- Kirthar
- Hindu Kush
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