SPSC Lecture Mathematics Past Paper

The set of limit points of ] 0, 1 [ in real line R is?
  1. [ 0,1 ]
  2. ] 0,1 [
  3. [0,1 [
  4. ] 0,1]
A subset F of a metric space X is closed if and only if?
  1. F = F°
  2. F ∪ F = X
  3. F ∩ F´ = ∅
  4. F = F´
The solution of differential equation. day/dx = 1/√1+x^2 is y =?
  1. sinh^-1 x+c
  2. sech^-1x+c
  3. tanh^-1x+c
  4. cotx+c
If f(x,y) is a homogeneous function of degree zero in x and y, then f(x,y) is a function of ___ alone.
  1. y^2/x
  2. y/x^2
  3. y/x
  4. xy
In the first-order linear differential equation dy/dx + P(x)y = Q(x), the integrating factor is?
  1. exp (∫P(x)dx)
  2. exp (∫P(y)dy)
  3. ∫P(x)dx
  4. ∫P(y)dy
The equation of the form y’+P(x)y+Q(x)y² – R(x) is called the ____ equation.
  1. Bernoulli
  2. Ricatti
  3. Clairaut
  4. None
The differential form xdy + ydx/xy is equivalent to?
  1. d(y²/x)
  2. d(tan⁻¹(y/x))
  3. d(ln(xy))
  4. d(x^m/y^n)
The differential equation of the form y=x dy/dx +f (dy/dx) is known as ___ equation.
  1. Bernoulli
  2. Ricatti
  3. Clairaut
  4. None
The general solution of the differential equation d^2y/dx^2 – 4 dy/dx + 4y = 0 is?
  1. (c1 + c2x)e^2x
  2. c1e^2x + c2e^-2x
  3. c1e^3x + c2e^-3x
  4. c1e^4x + c2e^-4x
The solution of the differential equation ydx-2xdy=0 represents?
  1. A family of straight lines
  2. A family of parabolas
  3. A family of hyperbolas
  4. A family of circles

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