SPSC Lecturer Muslim History Past Paper 2024

When was the Battle of Nahrawan fought?
  1. January 657 AD
  2. July 657 AD
  3. January 658 AD
  4. July 17, 658 AD
Mualim Thani is also known as?
  1. Minhaj Siraj
  2. Ibn Khaldun
  3. Ibn Hisham
  4. Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
Who levied taxes on new converts to Islam?
  1. Umar ibn al-Khattab
  2. Abu Bakr
  3. Uthman ibn Affan
  4. Ali ibn Abi Talib
Before invading Sindh, bin Qasim was the governor of?
  1. Fars
  2. Kufa
  3. Damascus
  4. Mecca
Who conquered Constantinople?
  1. Sultan Mehmed II of the Ottoman Empire
  2. Byzantine Empire
  3. Umayyad Caliphate
  4. Ottoman Turks
Who built Cordova and when?
  1. Abd al-Rahman I in 756 CE
  2. Abd al-Rahman I in 788 CE
  3. Abd al-Rahman I in 661 CE
  4. Abd al-Rahman I in 750 CE
When did Salahuddin Ayyubi defeat the Christians?
  1. 1099 CE
  2. 1187 CE
  3. 1191 CE
  4. 1229 CE
Who was the founder of the Habbari dynasty in Sindh?
  1. Umar bin Abdul Aziz al-Habbari
  2. Muhammad bin Qasim
  3. Al-Hasan ibn al-Qasim
  4. Abdullah ibn Umar
Who did Ibn Battuta visit in India?
  1. A Mughal emperor
  2. A Sultan of Delhi
  3. A Sultan of Bengal
  4. A Sultan of Gujarat
Who was Jabir ibn Hayyan from?
  1. 5th century
  2. 8th century
  3. 10th century
  4. 15th century

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