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At constant temperature, resistance and cross-sectional area are?
- Directly related
- Not related
- Remains constant
- Inversely related
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are not?
- Flammable only
- Toxic only
- Harmful
- Flammable and toxic
Synonym of Neat is?
- Dime
- Quandary
- Dinky
- Dapper
In case of filament lamp at higher voltages, the resistance of lamp?
- Decreases
- Increases
- Remains constant
- Varies depending on the filament
In semiconductors upon increasing temperature, conductivity will______?
- Decreases
- Increases
- Remains constant
- Haphazard
Antonym of the word "Hackneyed"?
- Clinched
- Greet
- Serene
- Original
The increase in the rate of reaction due to the increase in temperature is due to?
- Increased energy only
- Successful collision only
- Elastic collisions
- Increased energy and successful collisions
Electric field strength related to hall voltage is given by?
- VHd
- VH/d
- Ed
Synonym of Mischievous is?
- Section
- Harp
- Impish
- Twilight
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