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Which of the following statements is true about cell signaling?
- In plants the cell signaling occurs through phytohormones
- Cell signaling is used to study the context of human diseases
- Cell signaling is used to study the signaling between cells of an organism
- All of the above
Which of the following CANNOT be transmitted via infectious droplets?
- Rubella
- Common cold Influenza
- None of the above
Vitamin ______ is needed for the formation of a light-sensitive pigment in the retina.
- A
- B
- C
- D
______ is an important mineral nutrient.
- Hydrogen
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen
- Carbon
Which of the following hormones requires a cell surface receptor for its action?
- Adrenaline
- Progesterone
- Growth factors
- All of the above
Which of the following signal molecules is not used for extracellular signaling?
- Autocrine
- Endocrine
- Cyclic AMP
- None of the above
Which of the following nutrient deficiency causes megaloblastic anaemia?
- Folic acid
- Niacin
- Pyridoxine
- Cobalamin
____ is an important trace element.
- Calcium
- Iron
- Zinc
- Sodium
A "wild type" organism that does not need any additional growth supplement is known as?
- Phenotype
- Auxotroph
- Autotroph
- Prototroph
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) can be contracted only if ___?
- Consume nerve tissues (brain and spine) of cattle infected with Mad cow disease
- Consume shrimp infected with E.coli
- Consume water tainted with E.coli
- None of the above
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