The taxonomy of educational objectives was presented in:
A) 1946
B) 1956
C) 1966
D) None of these
The classification of the cognitive domain was presented by:
A) Benjamin S. Bloom
B) Skinner
C) Krathwhol
D) None of these
The highest level of learning in the cognitive domain is:
A) Evaluation
B) Synthesis
C) Analysis
D) None of these
Knowing/memorizing and recalling is concerned with:
A) Comprehension
B) Application
C) Knowledge
D) None of these
To grasp the meaning of the material is:
A) Comprehensive
B) Application
C) Knowledge
D) None of these
To use previously learned material in new situation is:
A) Comprehension
B) Application
C) Knowledge
D) none of these
To put ideas together to form a new whole is:
A) Evaluation
B) Synthesis
C) Analysis
D) None of these
The intellectual skills are reflected by the:
A) Cognitive domain
B) Affective domain
C) Psychomotor domain
D) None of these
The affective domain was classified by:
A) Benjamin S. Bloom
B) Simpson
C) Krathabol
D) None of these
The lowest level of learning in the affective domain is:
A) Responding
B) Valuing
C) Attending
D) Receiving