SST FPSC Past Papers Female Teachers

Who proposed a basic psychological model having four components: Instructional objective, entering behaviour, instructional procedure, performance assessment

  1. Robert Glaser
  2. Flanders
  3. Herbart
  4. Einstein
  5. Jerome Bruner

_____ are the ways with which the classroom runs, they are not the laws which will come with consequences if they are broken

  1. Preparation and engaging
  2. Student Impact
  3. Procedure and Routine
  4. High Test Scores

What is the purpose of education to develop any kind of personality of a the child?

  1. Mental Development
  2. Balance Development
  3. Emotional Development
  4. Social Development
  5. All of these

Contemporary philosopher Bertrand Russell say that children have unhealthy habits for, which the method of:

  1. Punishment is the only solution
  2. Struck off from the school is only solution
  3. Punishment has not been absolute solution
  4. Parent child meeting is only solution
  5. all of these

An instructional design which described the process of specifying particular environmental situations which cause the students to interact in such a way that specific change occurs in their behaviors.

  1. Model of behaviour
  2. Model of teaching
  3. Model of effective learning and environment
  4. Model of seeking knowledge

The Carol Model focuses on ______ as the most important factor in student achievement.

  1. Guidelines
  2. Instructions
  3. Time
  4. Teachers methodology

The study of psychology imperative for a teacher to function as _________ to understand influence of school environment.

  1. Creative scientist
  2. Medical scientist
  3. Observer Scientist
  4. Behavioural scientist

A process whereby learners are actively engaged in the learning process, rather than passively absorbing lectured is

  1. Formal education
  2. Informal Education
  3. Social Education
  4. Environmental Education

Rationalism _________ a regard human reason as the only reliable guide to knowledge not faith or experience

  1. Metaphysical System
  2. Logical System
  3. Analytical System
  4. Genital System

The BTES hypothesized that the acquisition of knowledge in the classroom is best conceived as a

  1. Multi-Year Process
  2. Behavioral Process
  3. Uni-Year Process
  4. Important Process

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