SST FPSC Past Papers Female Teachers

What is the most important element of non-formal education:

  1. Teacher
  2. Student
  3. Media
  4. School

The sum of curricular and co-curricular activities is known as

  1. Aim
  2. Curriculum
  3. Summative
  4. Evaluation

Pedagogy is concerned with

  1. Aims
  2. Content
  3. Teaching Methods
  4. Evaluation

The literal meaning of philosophy is

  1. Love of knowledge
  2. Love of truth
  3. Love of values
  4. Love of wisdom

Metaphysics deals with the nature of

  1. Knowledge
  2. Values
  3. Culture
  4. Reality

Eclecticism means borrowing beliefs from:

  1. One philosophy
  2. two philosophy
  3. three philosophy
  4. Different philosophies

Ontology deals with

  1. Knowledge
  2. Values
  3. Culture
  4. Reality

Axiology in philosophy deals with:

  1. Knowledge
  2. Reality
  3. Values
  4. Culture

Which one is evaluated in education process?

  1. Aim
  2. Conent
  3. Method
  4. None of the above

Informal education is

  1. Planned
  2. Incidental
  3. Systematic
  4. Arranged

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