SST FPSC Past Papers Female Teachers

Healthy learning environment is:

  1. Submissive
  2. Passive
  3. Recessive
  4. Motivating
  5. I do not know

Teacher behaviour ought to:

  1. Administrative
  2. Instructive
  3. Idealistic
  4. None

At primary level it is batter to teach in mother tongue because:

  1. Higher qualification is not needed in this profession
  2. They are ready to work with low salary
  3. Both
  4. None

' ___' is essential part of application and letter.

  1. Yours obediently
  2. Yours Obediently
  3. Your's Obediently
  4. None

A position of pencil holding ___ is the key to a good art piece:

  1. picking
  2. purchasing
  3. Holding
  4. None

Pedagogy literally means___

  1. Leading children
  2. Adults
  3. both
  4. none

Through which action children learn fast ?

  1. Walk
  2. Study
  3. Facial expression
  4. Write

The preparation of batter lesson requires____

  1. Developing a number of questions
  2. Selection of material
  3. Preparation of subject matter
  4. Preparation of lesson plan

There is no need of curriculum in education

  1. Formal
  2. Informal
  3. Distance
  4. None

An assessment is is said to be "reliable" if it constantly achieve the _____.

  1. Same results with the same students
  2. Same results with the different students
  3. Different results with the same students
  4. None

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