What is the philosophical outlook of Rousseau about learning activities
- Learning through play and by doing
- learning by reading journal paper
- Learning through computer
- learning from books
- all of these
Piagent maintains that a child`s mental development took place through a balance between?
- Assimilation and accommodation
- thinking and creating
- observation and experiment
- expression and emotion
- all of these
According to Glaser 'The ability to think critically' involves in three things:
- An attitude, knowledge, skills
- Creativity, communication, thinking
- Environment, Fact, Focus
- Behavior, Learning, observation
Comenius believed that aim of education is:
- To shape the human creature into an image of the universe
- Everything must be senses
- Ultimate victory of goal
- Bring all the rest to other
- All of these
The modern concept of the nature of tri-polar process of teaching is:
- Teacher, Process, Child
- Teacher, Child, Subject
- Teacher, Pupil, Learning
- Teacher, Class, Child
Psychology is
- Science of soul
- Science of Mind
- Science of Consciousness
- Science of behaviour
According to Bruner, teachers do not need a descriptive theory but they need a:
- Prescriptive theory
- Perspective Theory
- Pragmatic theory
- Predestination theory
- all of these
The aim of the education is to enable each student to attain all round development according to
- His/her on attributes
- their parent`s guidance
- learn and created a support system
- the law
- all of these
Which statement is true about growth and development?
- Growth is structural whereas development is functional
- Growth refers to changes in the particular aspect whereas development implies the organism as a whole
- Growth stops at a certain stage while development continuous till death
- All of these
What is the disadvantages of circle shape arrangement in a classroom?
- Some students cannot see the blackboard
- Give less focus on the class as a group
- The students have minimum interaction with their peers
- Discourages the students to get involved in the class activities
- all of these