SST FPSC Past Papers Female Teachers

What is the philosophical outlook of Rousseau about learning activities

  1. Learning through play and by doing
  2. learning by reading journal paper
  3. Learning through computer
  4. learning from books
  5. all of these

Piagent maintains that a child`s mental development took place through a balance between?

  1. Assimilation and accommodation
  2. thinking and creating
  3. observation and experiment
  4. expression and emotion
  5. all of these

According to Glaser 'The ability to think critically' involves in three things:

  1. An attitude, knowledge, skills
  2. Creativity, communication, thinking
  3. Environment, Fact, Focus
  4. Behavior, Learning, observation

Comenius believed that aim of education is:

  1. To shape the human creature into an image of the universe
  2. Everything must be senses
  3. Ultimate victory of goal
  4. Bring all the rest to other
  5. All of these

The modern concept of the nature of tri-polar process of teaching is:

  1. Teacher, Process, Child
  2. Teacher, Child, Subject
  3. Teacher, Pupil, Learning
  4. Teacher, Class, Child

Psychology is

  1. Science of soul
  2. Science of Mind
  3. Science of Consciousness
  4. Science of behaviour

According to Bruner, teachers do not need a descriptive theory but they need a:

  1. Prescriptive theory
  2. Perspective Theory
  3. Pragmatic theory
  4. Predestination theory
  5. all of these

The aim of the education is to enable each student to attain all round development according to

  1. His/her on attributes
  2. their parent`s guidance
  3. learn and created a support system
  4. the law
  5. all of these

Which statement is true about growth and development?

  1. Growth is structural whereas development is functional
  2. Growth refers to changes in the particular aspect whereas development implies the organism as a whole
  3. Growth stops at a certain stage while development continuous till death
  4. All of these

What is the disadvantages of circle shape arrangement in a classroom?

  1. Some students cannot see the blackboard
  2. Give less focus on the class as a group
  3. The students have minimum interaction with their peers
  4. Discourages the students to get involved in the class activities
  5. all of these

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