SST Past Paper SPSC Science Category 2024 – Morning/Evening

To a combined fraction into its parts is called?
  1. Rational fraction
  2. Partial fraction
  3. Combined fraction
  4. None
If the connections across the resistor are reversed, then graph between current and potential difference is?
  1. Inverted
  2. Variable
  3. Straight lined
  4. Constant
As compared to sound waves, the frequency of radio waves is?
  1. Equal
  2. May be higher or lower
  3. Lower
  4. Higher
Ions have have noble gas electronic configuration’ was suggested by?
  1. Kossel
  2. Lewis
  3. Newton
  4. Russell
Kinetic friction is always?
  1. Lesser than static friction
  2. Greater than static friction
  3. Equal to static friction
  4. Equal to contact force
Which one is true about isotope?
  1. Same number of neutrons
  2. Same mass number
  3. Same physical properties
  4. Same chemical properties
The taste of lemon is due to the presence of?
  1. Citric acid
  2. Acetic acid
  3. Ethanoic acid
  4. Benzoic acid
The removal of electrons one by one from an atom by a specific sequence of ionization energies are termed as?
  1. Successive ionization energies
  2. Successive ionization changes
  3. Successive ionization replacement
  4. Ionization
Decrease in strength of signal is known as?
  1. Tuning
  2. Modulation
  3. Attenuation
  4. Amplification
Digital number 9 can be represented in binary number as?
  1. 110
  2. 1001
  3. 1010
  4. 1011

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