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What is the synonym of UNSULLIED?
- Spoiled
- Ill-natured
- Not spoiled
- Stained
they spent the evening ….. through forty years of accumulated junk?
- sulking
- shifting
- screening
- None of these
Select the pair which has the same relationship Grain:Salt
- Chip:glass
- Shred: wood
- blades:grass
- None
Which protocol provides E-mail facility among different hosts ?
- None of these
Over-damping results in?
- Slower return to equilibrium
- Faster return to equilibrium
- Equilibrium is never achieved
- Unrhythmic to equilibrium
In a sample of a substance, at any given temperature the energy of all particles will?
- Not be same
- Be same
- Equal
- Constant
The compound which is added to leaded gasoline to save engine from lead oxide and lead sulphate deposits?
- Ethylene iodide
- Ethylene bromide
- Ethylene chloride
- Ethylene fluoride
Isotopes differs in
- Arrangement of electrons in orbitals
- Position in the periodic table
- Properties depend upon mass
- Chemical properties
Equal masses of methane and oxygen are mixed in empty container at 250-degree C. The fraction of sotal pressure exerted by oxygen will be?
- One/seventeen
- Sixteen/seventeen
- One/three
- Two/three
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