……. type of educational research does not make accurate predictions:
A) Associational
B) Descriptive
C) Intervention
D) None of these
The case study is the study of a:
A) Single group
B) Single individual
C) Single community of family
D) None of these
A set of questions asked and filled in by the interviewer in a face-to-face situation with another person is called:
A) A schedule
B) A checklist
C) A questionnaire
D) None of these
What type of statistical data are used in educational research:
A) Descriptive statistical analysis
B) Inferential statistical analysis
C) Both A & B
D) None of these
What is the meaning of Null Hypothesis:
A) Difference between two parametric is zero
B) The difference is due to error in sampling
C) Both A & B
D) None of these
National Education Commission 1959 was established under the headship of:
A) Fazal ur Rehman
B) Liaqat Ali Khan
C) S.M. Sharif
D) None of these
…… is responsible for the accreditation of teachers’ education in Pakistan:
D) None of these
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